Attn: Network Marketers, Coaches, Influencers & Service-Based Entrepreneurs

"Crack The Code On Building An Attractive, Powerful, And Profitable Personal Brand That Attracts Your Ideal Prospects & Convert Them Into Customers Mostly On Autopilot"

Without Spending All Day On Social Media or Cold DMing Strangers

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Branding 365

Now Available For Instant




Backed by our unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee. If you don't absolutely love the book, let us know, and we'll give you your money back AND let you keep the book & the bonuses... as our gift to you.

Could Your Digital Presence Be Harming Your Business?

The digital world is full of clutter.

Did you know that research shows that we are exposed to upward of 5,000 marketing messages each day?

Some are overt and others are more hidden, but in order for a marketing message to succeed it must stand out.

Given that there are so many brands and products out there targeting your audience, it is essential that you are seen as the leader of your industry and the best choice.

If you're NOT intentional, your digital presence could actually be harming your business...

If your digital presence is chaotic, your audience will be confused about your product and what you stand for. To prevent this, you need to have a cohesive, streamlined, and high-quality social media presence.

Did you know that it does not matter how many followers you have?

Everything you know about gaining followers is wrong.

What is important, is the quality of those followers. You need to attract people who will engage and enjoy your product—not just scroll past your posts.

Successful brands have engaged followers who care for you as you do for them.

Finally, a comprehensive guide produced by someone that's currently in the trenches still actively executing the very strategies outlined in this guide.

This is not some outdated manuscript of what used to work. It's a living breathing training guide constantly being updated as the market conditions warrant.

So where do you begin to build your personal brand?

Allow me to introduce you to you...

Included With Your Order


Personal Branding 365

A Step-by-Step Guide To Building An Attractive, Powerful, And Profitable Personal Brand


Social Content

30 Days of high-quality, brandable social media content perfect for increasing engagement.


Endless Content Creation Blueprint

The content creation method used by all the top influencers.


Social Profile Checklist

Make sure you social media profiles are optimized to attract, engage, and convert the right prospects.


Website Checklist

Turn your website into a lead generating sales machine by making sure you have the right elements in the right places.


Resource Guide

The ultimate resource guide containing all of the top tools used by all of the top marketers with video tutorials included.

Order Today For Only $47

Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Only $7.95 For A Limited Time

Backed by our unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee. If you don't absolutely love the book, let us know, and we'll give you your money back AND let you keep the book & the bonuses... as our gift to you.

"So, How Do You Attract More Of Your Ideal Customer Without Spending Countless Hours On Social Media & Desperately DMing Strangers All Day??"


Personal Branding 365

You're Step-By-Step Guide To Building An Attractive, Powerful, And Profitable Online Brand That Attracts Your Ideal Prospects, Converts Them Into Raving Fans & Customers On Autopilot.

In this course, you'll learn how to build a brand that people are passionate about, how to attract and profile the right kinds of leads to your site, and how to manage those leads so you know exactly who to sell to and when.

The result is a much more engaged and targeted user-base and a LOT more sales for you!

Here's exactly what you'll get inside the course:

Personal Branding 365 eBook

What you'll discover in this eBook:

Understanding all the different types of leads and how they vary. It all starts with understanding the types of leads.

  • How to build an email list so you can follow up on your subscribers.

  • How to increase trust and Ninja in your industry so your leads will buy your product or service.

  • How to use lead management software such as SalesForce and HubSpot.

  • How to make sales from leads – turn leads into customers!

  • How to write an effective squeeze page or landing page so you can start building your lead generation machine.

  • How to make leads excited for a product using copywriting techniques

  • How to build leads in person

  • How to create a large following on social media by selling your ‘dream’

  • Why having a brand and a mission statement is so important

  • ...and much, much more!

Special Fast Action Bonuses!


30-Days of Brandable Social Media Content

Content marketing when done correctly should be a major part of every lead generation strategy. Coming up with high-quality, engaging content is sometimes hard to produce. When you grab your copy of Lead Generation Ninja today you'll also receive 30-Days of social media content.

Inside you'll find:

  • 30 Engaging social media posts (brandable Canva templates + captions + hashtags)

  • 15 Stories templates

  • 5 Short videos

  • 1 Brandable E-book

  • 1 Carousel

  • 1 Puzzle

  • Challenges, memes, and more

All created on Canva and super easy to brand with your logo and colors.


Endless Content Creation Blueprint (Video Training)

Ever wonder how your favorite online influencer consistently puts out high-quality engaging content every single day?

This video training will reveal to you one of the hidden secrets to publishing great content daily that positions you as the expert that you are, provides value & engages your audience, and attracts to you the targeted clients that you'd love to work with.

Inside you'll find:

  • Create endless value-based content

  • Consistency hack that all of the top influencers are using to stay in front of their audience with minimal effort or risking burnout.

  • Secret video marketing formula for all of your live & recorded videos that works even if you're NEVER on camera

  • Repurpose like a pro and get the most out of EVER piece of content you publish

This training provides step-by-step onscreen execution of each strategy so you can follow along and master each strategy.


Social Media Profile Checklist

Social media is a powerful tool. However, with so much noise out there and everyone clawing for the attention of your ideal prospect, it's crucial that you get the ABSOLUTE most from your presence on social media.

Believe it or not, that starts with having a profile that's optimized for lead generation and conversion. This checklist will ensure that you have all of the right elements in place.


Website Checklist

Is your website a lead-generating sales machine or is it merely a digital brochure where you list all of your accomplishments?

Discover the elements that make a profitable website, why you need them and how they should appear on your site.


Ultimate Resource Guide

A comprehensive collection of all of the top resources used by the top marketers with video tutorials and over-the-shoulder walkthroughs of how to best use them in today's fast-paced, ever-changing environment.

Is this an AMAZING deal or what?

How Much Is All This Going To Cost You?

You can own Personal Branding 365 together with all the bonuses for a mere $47.

That is a truly incredible deal, especially considering the significant difference it'll make to your success.

Did I mention this eBook is only $47? It’s definitely a point worth repeating. You will be hard-pressed to find a more valuable resource.

I'm delighted to have the chance to share this powerful guide with you, and I know you’ll be very happy with the results.

Again, you will receive the comprehensive and valuable insights you need to finally achieve results for only $47.

Please click the Add To Cart button right now and take ownership of this valuable eBook TODAY!

Get Instant Access Right Now!

Yes! I want instant access to Lead Generation Ninja which

include the following:

  • The main eBook ($27.00 Value)
  • FAST-ACTION BONUS #1: 30-Days Brandable Social Media Content ($97.00 Value)
  • FAST-ACTION BONUS #2: Endless Content Creation Blueprint Video Training ($197.00 Value)
  • FAST-ACTION BONUS #3: Social Media Profile Checklist ($27 Value)
  • FAST-ACTION BONUS #4: Website Checklist ($47 Value)
  • FAST-ACTION BONUS #5: Ultimate Resource Guide ($97)

Total Value: $492

Get Everything Above For

Only: $47

To Your Brand Building Success,

Cortez Hustle

P.S. - You'll discover all the steps, tools, and resources to help you finally succeed and get results! Click the Add to Cart button to get your copy today!